• 2023 Diafani Spay-Neuter Program

    by Animal Welfare Karpathos

    In Memory of Alison McEwan


    cats were treated overall .

    5 cats were treated as emergencies and 136 were spayed/neutered


    cats spayed/ neutered, dewormed etc. 69 cats were female and 67 males.


    cats vaccinated for basic diseases

    3456.57 Euros

    total cost medical costs covered by Animal Welfare Karpathos thanks to donations.


    US veterinarians


    UK veterinary licensed nurse

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    The first-ever TNR program in Diafani has concluded. In memory of Alison McEwan, we helped dozens of cats together!

    Scroll below to see photos of the program, the full list of sponsors, and the names of all the volunteers who helped.

  • The 2023 Diafani Spay/Neuter program is dedicated to the memory of Alison McEwan. Alison loved the cats of Diafani, Karpathos and it was her last wish that their health and welfare be looked after. In her memory, her husband Tim Luard made the main donation for that purpose. The program included 4-5 days of spaying/neutering at the heart of Diafani. The entire AWK board participated enthusiastically in the endeavor. Dr. Anna Katogiritis performed the surgeries and with the help of Dr. April Kelly and licensed nurse Naomi Driver, the cats were closely monitored for a smooth and safe recovery after the procedures. 141 cats were carefully treated, 136 were spayed/neutered and 100 cats were vaccinated. Unfortunately, AWK had only purchased 100 vaccines in the beginning- hence why 36 cats did not receive this essential preventative treatment. The AWK team was also able to assist with emergencies during the program, for example, the cat April the cat who had an injured eye and received enucleation surgery. In addition, one cat was found with a fish hook in his mouth which was carefully removed. The hook was deeply embedded in the maxilla and it was causing severe pain to the cat. Many cats had dental problems and they received dental extractions where this was appropriate.

    As always, this program would not have been possible without the generosity of our donors and business sponsors. For this program, Animal Welfare Karpathos also partnered with Veterinary Global Aid, a new nonprofit based in the US through which volunteer veterinarians can provide free care to animals in need around the globe.

    We invite all of you to review the information below and help us give thanks to everyone who contributed to another successful campaign.

  • Sponsors and Contributors

    The Animal Welfare Karpathos Spring 2023 Diafani Spay/Neuter & Education campaign would not have been possible without the collaboration of the Municipality of Karpathos: Mayor John Nisyrios, and all members of the City Council who unanimously voted in favor of AWK's program. Moreover, the businesses listed below provided free meals for the medical team during the spay/neuter week.


    Private Sponsors (monetary donations towards program costs) 

    - Ms. Yvonne Deutch (sponsored entire airfare for UK nurse volunteer)

    - Ms. Luisa Ricaldone (sponsored part of Dr. Katogiritis' airfare )

    - Mrs. Deanne Alexander (sponsored part of Dr. Katogiritis' airfare)

    - Family of Mrs. Maria Loizou- Ioannidis and Mr. Michalis Ioannidis (monetary donation towards program costs)

    - Sophia Hiras- Micros (monetary donation towards dinner, breakfasts for volunteers)


    *Total airfare costs due to flight cost increases this year were: 3410.16 euros


    Hotel sponsors who provided free rooms for the volunteers throughout the program were:


    Niotis Studios (Diafani), 4 nights for the entire volunteer team

    Glaros Hotel (Diafani), 4 nights for the entire volunteer team

    Sunshine Studios (Diafani), 4 nights for the entire volunteer team

    Atlantis Hotel (Pigadia), 1 night for 1 medical team member

    Calypso Bay Studio Apartments (Pigadia), 2 nights for 2 medical team members


    Business sponsors:  

    - MarviFarm pharmaceutical: provided free medical supplies for the program

    - Makris SuperMarket (Pigadia Karpathos): Drinks and snacks


    Dry Cat Food for the cats of Diafani was provided by the following:

    - AGROS/Ioannidis superstore: 20 kilos

    - Konstantinidis Superstore: 20 kilos

    - Animal Welfare Karpathos: 40 kilos


    Sponsored dinners were provided by the following restaurants, local associations, and donors:


    - George Hatzipapas, vice mayor of Olympos: provided a sponsored dinner for the volunteers

    - Roula Houvardas Papavasilis: made a home-cooked meal and hosted all the volunteers

    - Association of Olympos in Rhodes: sponsored 1 dinner for all the volunteers

    - Church of Diafani: sponsored 1 dinner

    - Mrs. Marina Lentaki/ Taverna Olympos: cooked meals (lunches) for 2 days for the volunteers

    - Mrs. Popi Nikolaidou, Regional Governor: purchased and delivered herself lunch for 1 day for all the volunteers

    - Mrs. Sophia Hiras: provided daily morning coffee/tea for all the volunteers and one dinner

    - Mrs. Maria Pavlakou: offered breakfast items for the volunteers


  • Would you like to donate or volunteer during our next program?

    Email our team at Donate@AnimalWelfareKarpathos.com and Volunteer@AnimalWelfareKarpathos.com 

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    Click the icon to donate | Πατήστε στο εικονίδιο για να κάνετε μία δωρεά​ 

    We only accept monetary donations directly into our bank account or charity-approved PayPal, as to ensure the transparency of our organization.


    If you would like to become a monthly or yearly donor, your support would be highly appreciated.


    If you are a company or private donor who would like to become a sponsor for our next spay/neuter campaign please contact us at donate@animalwelfarekarpathos.com directly to discuss details and the needs for our campaign.

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